Melksham Town Council - how we work

Helping every individual to fulfil and exceed in their aspirations.

How We Work | Melksham Town Council

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Melksham Town Council - How We Work

Melksham Town Council aims to strengthen the sense of community within Melksham, create and promote inclusivity, improve the quality of life for all Melksham residents and help every individual to fulfil and exceed their aspirations.

Melksham Town Council is made up of fifteen Councillors who represent the four Wards- North, South, East and Forest.

The work of the Council is delivered by a Council Team led by a Locum Town Clerk who is supported by a Committee Clerk.

The Council Team is organised into a team of Officers based at Melksham Town Hall, an Amenities Team and an Assembly Hall Team.


What We Do...

How We Work - Meetings & Committees

Council work is administered through the following Committees and Working Groups:

- Asset Management and Amenities Committee
- Community Development Committee
- Economic Development and Planning Committee
- Finance, Administration and Performance Committee
- Full Council
- Personnel Committee

Working Groups:
- CCTV and Community Safety
- CIL Funding Projects
- Events
- Neighbourhood Plan Joint Steering
- Shurnhold Fields
- Cooper Tires


How We Work - Key Services

The Melksham Town Council team are responsible for delivering the decisions of the Council on community issues and development. In addition, on an ongoing basis, they look after various green spaces, sports facilities and play areas, allotments, community buildings and venues for hire.

Budget & Finance

The Town Council is funded by the residents of Melksham through a precept on the council tax charge made by Wiltshire Council. The 2024/25 budget sets a total precept of £1,047,270. Properties are put into one of eight bands, A being the lowest, and H the highest, with Band D being the average.

Economic & Community Development

Melksham Town Council aims to focus on the development and operational management of Melksham Town Centre, whilst improving quality and vitality for all users, be they residents of or visitors to the town.  The Council also aims to attract ongoing inward investment into the town.